We had Leon for the day on Saturday. He was a joy to have again and very very good. I can't believe that he is nearly 6months old. After he had his lunch we took him out for a walk and we stopped off at the park. Here he is having his first ever go on a swing.

On the way back home we called into my friends house and she gave him a tiny rusk. (He loves rusks and wolfs them down for his lunch but normally they are mixed with some of his milk. He he is trying and almost succeeding in eating it (well as much as you can with no teeth!!). He made it all soggy so my friend ended up giving him little pieces and he ate it all!!

After his afternoon nap he had a little play and here he is watching Ice Age. He was mesmerised by it!

Another lovely day with him.
Thanks for reading
He is gorgeous Cally and obviously has very good taste 'cos Ice Age is ace! We (me & Paul) love them - lol!