Thursday 29 September 2011

Summer Afternoon Stroll..

Well it definitely seemed like Summer today.

I looked after Leon today, son texted me last night to see if I was free. Silly question really! I picked him up at about 11 this morning. Brought him home, then got his stuff together, nappies, bottles, banana and off we went for a stroll into town.

Now town is about 5 miles away but you can walk most of the way along the prom which we did. It was warm but there was a breeze coming off the sea so that kept me cool. We walked to hubby's work so that Leon could see Grandad. Timing was perfect as we arrived just in time for lunch :-)...mmmm mashed banana. Well Leon enjoyed it. After spending about an hour with Grandad we jumped on the train home.

It was a lovely afternoon. Here's a picture of Leon taken this afternoon.

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My big sister is 60 soon

Well big sister in only age cause she is smaller than me. In fact I am the youngest and the tallest.
Anyway sue will be 60 in October and I have been very good in getting her card done in advance :-).
The card is an 8x8 card. The image is from La Pashe 'Labeled With Love' sets. These are done so that they are compatible with the Spellbinders Nesties. This is labels 10. The image os decoupaged and layered onto card from my stash. The two backing papers are from the Papermania range. Ribbon and gems are from my stash.
The greeting is computer generated, cut with labels 10 and then I coloured it using chalk to blend with the colour.
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Wednesday 28 September 2011

New baby

While we were away last week, one of hubby's work colleagues wife gave birth to a baby boy. It was a home birth - not intended but baby decided he was going to come very quickly and a week early!! They have called him Ethan John.

Hubby asked if I could make him a card. This is what I have done. The backing paper is vellum printed with ducks. I am not sure where I got the image from because I found it while searching for another image. I just added a bow and some gems from my stash.

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Tuesday 27 September 2011

Week Down in the New Forest

Last week we went down to the New Forest for a weeks stay at Bashley Park in New Milton. I love the New Forest, so peaceful. We stayed in a very nice caravan. The weather was lovely apart from the Sunday when it rained. Even had a go at archery.. not very good though as out of 12 arrows, only got 5 on the target. lol! but it was fun.

We went into Christchurch one day and into Bournemouth where we got lost!! Hubby decided to park the car just outside the town and took us on a route march to try and find the shops - we went in completely the wrong direction. Eventually having found the town we had a mooch around. We only had 30 mins left on the parking so we started back to the car..and you've guessed it, we hgot lost again... we eventually got back to the car after walking every single street in Bournemouth with 2 minutes to spare!!!!! It was good fun though although my feet hurt a bit.

The other days we just went out into the Forest and parked up, read and went for walks. It's so lovely to drive through the villages and see the horses and donkeys roaming free. A lovely relaxing time we had. Here are a few pictures.

These horses were in Brockenhurst, just outside the Fish and Chip shop (and yes the fish and chips were lovely!!!!)
On one of the days hubby and I went on a 2 mile walk through the Forest and here is a picture of the path. So beautiful.
Hubby and me
We went down there with our friends and Fel doesn't like the cold, even though he is a roofer and works outside in all weather. Here are hubby, Cyd and Fel having lunch near Barton on Sea.
This is the little donkey that gave Cyd a fright. Hubby and I had gone for a walk and she had stayed in the car reading (she doesn't like walking much!!!) Quietly reading her Kindle when all of a sudden she looked up and the donkey had put his head through the window. Hubby and I heard her scream as we were walking back. It was so funny... hehehehehe!
Would definitely go back down there.

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Friday 16 September 2011

She likes pandas and Robert Patterson.....

.....that was the brief for a card my friend asked me to make for her niece who is 18 later this month.

This is what I came up with. The panda and picture of RPatz were from the internet (what did we do before Google???) The greetings were computer generated. Backing paper were from my stash as is the ribbon and gems. The black card is also from my stash cut with nesties and they stuck on the card with foam tape.

Think I got the remit covered!!!

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Thursday 15 September 2011

My Nephew's is 21

My nephew, Alex is 21 on 24th September and here is the card that I have made him.
The image is decoupage from La Pashe. The backing paper is from my stash. The card candy and greeting comes from Craftwork Cards. The '21' is a silver peel offs coloured with peel off pens.

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Wednesday 14 September 2011

30 years ago I was bridesmaid to my sister...

...when she got married to Chris at the Holy Cross church in Woodingdean Brighton in 1981 on 19th September. I was 14. Where have all those years gone???????

Here is the card that I have made her and I must say that the picture doesn't do it any justice at all even if I do say so myself..

The card is an 8" x 8" card. The backing paper I found in my stash. It's slightly embossed and is lovely. I wish I can remember where I got it cause I would love to get some more. I think it may have been at some craft show....
I have used thin white ribbon wrapped round the strips. I have used pearl gems (as 30th wedding anniversary is pearl!) and a bow from my stash! Just hope they like it!

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Tuesday 13 September 2011

Sister's Birthday & Sketch N Stash Challenge 70

Monday is my sister's birthday and here is the card that I have made for her. The image is from Kanban. All other items on the card have come from my stash. the greeting is from Craftwork Cards.

I have entered this into the Sketch N Stash Challenge 70 which free choice sketch from their catalogue. I have chosen sketch no. 68.
I have also put it into the September Inspirational's for Crafters Reunited forum.

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Monday 12 September 2011

Leon's Christening

Yesterday my little grandson, Leon got christened. The weather forecast was dreadful but the sun shone and we had a lovely day. As for Leon he was as good as gold.

Here is the card that I made him together with the box to put it in. The picture was one I took a couple of weeks ago. The top paper is vellum printed with ducks. The teddies are fabric ones that I found in my stash.

Here are some pictures from the day.

Nanny & Leon
Dad, Grandad holding Leon and Uncle (who is also one of the god parents)
Grandad and Leon
Leon with Mum & Dad
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Friday 9 September 2011

A busy time since I last blogged

....but I am not going to bore you all with it, only to say that last weekend I had a lovely time up in Yorkshire staying with my big sister. We had a great time, just the 2 of us.

Right yesterday an old friend of mine and my hubby's eventually :-) got married and we were invited to the wedding. We have known Becky for just over 17 years and her now new husband Graeme for the last 8 years.

They got married at a beautiful country estate, Horsted Place Country House Hotel which was out of this world. The wedding was beautiful and there was lots of free flowing champagne. I don't normally like champers but this was really nice and I may have had a little too much!!!

Here are Becky and Graeme cutting their cake.

Here are the cards that I made for them. The first card was one I made at a craft class at the Glitterpot which I thought was ideal for them. I didn't add anything more to the card, just an insert.
Here is the box that I made for the card. Just decorated with a ribbon and a pull ribbon bow.
My friend, who was also attending the wedding, called me yesterday morning to say that she had forgotten to get a card and could I make her one. This is what I came up with. Not bad at short notice!
Here's the box I made for it.
As they had been living together for some time they didn't want or need anything but did ask that if we wanted to give them a gift then they would like vouchers or money to go towards their honeymoon which they are taking next year to India. (they are having a 'minimoon' to Madrid on Saturday :-) ) Here is the gift card I made to put the cheque in we gave them. I put a triangle inside the car to secure the cheque in the same paper as on the front.
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