Yesterday i went tank driving... well I didn't actually drive a tank, hubby did though, but I did ride on one which was great fun!! I'll explain more....
Well he had to be there for 1pm, so we arrived thee in plenty of time, got him signed in, Cyd and I had to pay £10 each as spectators but for that money we got a couple of rides on tanks and endless tea, coffee, cake and biscuits.

We had a safety talk first and then he was told that he would be driving 4 vehicles, an 'abbott tank', an armoured personal carrier, a chiefton tank, and a quad bike.

All in all we all had a great afternoon of fun and most of all Gaz enjoyed his pressie.
As those that have read my blog before will know, my hubby was 50 in May (we went to florida for his birthday... going back there in 3 weeks and 3days - not that I'm counting. For his birthday I bought him a Tank Driving Experience. Due to him breaking his wrist in June and weather and work committments we eventually got to go yesterday.
Off we set yesterday morning down to near Winchester in Hampshire to a place called Juniper Leisure. My friend Cyd came along for the ride too. I was a bit nervous only cause you are never sure what to expect and is it going to be worth the money etc.
Well he had to be there for 1pm, so we arrived thee in plenty of time, got him signed in, Cyd and I had to pay £10 each as spectators but for that money we got a couple of rides on tanks and endless tea, coffee, cake and biscuits.
We had a safety talk first and then he was told that he would be driving 4 vehicles, an 'abbott tank', an armoured personal carrier, a chiefton tank, and a quad bike.
Here he is driving the 'abbott' and the 'APC'
This is Cyd and I ontop of a tank being driven around the course. That was great fun but not so good on your back.
This is a pic of Gaz next to the chieften tank which he drove. While they were driving this the spectators sat up on top of the tank which was great fun apart from the fact that the this tank only went backwards and forwards so going forward was great, but going backwards, the exhaust fumes were horrible... As you can see from the picture of Cyd and I.

The only thong thats Gaz didn't enjoy very much was the quad biking. he wasn't that confident on that but he still did it and got very very muddy doing it.
The only thong thats Gaz didn't enjoy very much was the quad biking. he wasn't that confident on that but he still did it and got very very muddy doing it.
All in all we all had a great afternoon of fun and most of all Gaz enjoyed his pressie.
Thanks for reading.