Well it definitely seemed like Summer today.
I looked after Leon today, son texted me last night to see if I was free. Silly question really! I picked him up at about 11 this morning. Brought him home, then got his stuff together, nappies, bottles, banana and off we went for a stroll into town.
Now town is about 5 miles away but you can walk most of the way along the prom which we did. It was warm but there was a breeze coming off the sea so that kept me cool. We walked to hubby's work so that Leon could see Grandad. Timing was perfect as we arrived just in time for lunch :-)...mmmm mashed banana. Well Leon enjoyed it. After spending about an hour with Grandad we jumped on the train home.
It was a lovely afternoon. Here's a picture of Leon taken this afternoon.
Thanks for reading.

Sounds like you had a lovely day and nice for leon to get some fresh air bet he sleeps well tonight:) Sandra H