Well I knew this weekend would be busy but I am knackered now as I write this. Saturday saw my son and daughter in law move into their new flat and my hubby was helping. I too was supposed to be helping but my grandkids other nanny said that she could only have Leon and not little Ollie so I had the pleasure of his company. He is 4 months old today and is becoming a little corker. He is turning over when you lay him down and he just wants to walk and be up on his feet. He is also teething and dribbles everywhere :-)
Here is a picture of him I took whilst changing him. He does nothing but smile now....oh and cry when he's hungry!!
Today, Sunday, my future daughter in law and I took part in the 5k Race for Life in Worthing. This is the 6th or 7th year I have run this but Jodie's first time. Luckily the weather was with us and we managed to finish in approx 45mins which we were very pleased with.
Here we are before we started
..and this is us after we had finished.
Although I am no runner, this is the race that is close to my heart as I have lost several member sof my family to cancer and a good friend of mine is still fighting.
Thanks for reading

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